Sunday, December 23, 2007

4eyedfreak begins

I don't know what possessed me. I'm not usually a joiner, but on the other hand I do get swept up in fads. So, much later than all the cool people, I've finally started my own blog. Why? What do I have to say that's any different? Nothing, probably, but I guess I want my own space to have my not-different say. The other thing is this will give me a place to put all the links to the things I've written online that I want to remember, like my very first piece of fan fiction, on As soon as I find the link I'll post it (I found it, and it's linked to the words fan fiction above). But first I have to pause for a moment to go to the bathroom.

Okay, I'm back now. I'm going to stop now and go back to writing a response to Michael's blog on about the fallout from Nuke's non-kiss under the misteltoe on As The World Turns this past Thursday (12-20-07). Oh yeah, I'll probably be blogging about Nuke, the portmanteau name for Noah and Luke, daytime television's groundbreaking young adult couple.

I don't know what to do next. If I had a scanner I'd consider posting the photo I had taken last week for my passport, although they told me I couldn't wear my glasses and I couldn't show my teeth. I look like André the Giant's Scandinavian relative. The wattle is fierce. I have to learn how to rock the wattle. The beautifully soft-voiced actor Miguel Sandoval knows how to rock his wattle. (photo source

Oh yeah, I forgot: this will be a great place for me to experiment with html and coding stuff. It'll be fun!

I'll figure out where to put this André photo some other time, and I'll put up a photo of Nuke next to their paragraph.

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